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    TALQ Certification Globally Recognized as Standard for Smart City Applications

    Published on 2024-09-30

    The TALQ Consortium counts 66 members from 24 countries

    The TALQ Consortium, which developed the Smart City Protocol, a global interface standard for smart city applications, continues to ensure benefits for cities worldwide through a rigorous certification process. An increasing number of cities and utilities now require TALQ Certification in their public tenders to guarantee interoperability between systems from different vendors. Currently, there are 58 TALQ-certified products from 39 manufacturers available. The consortium's steady growth—now consisting of 66 member companies from 24 countries—along with the ongoing evolution of the protocol, highlights its commitment to advancing smart city solutions and promoting global standards.

    For over a decade, TALQ has been helping cities make better investment decisions and ensure the interoperability of outdoor lighting and other smart city applications, preventing vendor lock-in. The consortium continues to expand, along with the growing list of officially TALQ-certified products available worldwide. The increasing number of public tenders requiring TALQ Certification across many countries demonstrates the importance of this global standard. Additionally, the wide geographical spread of smart city application manufacturers and TALQ member companies highlights its global reach. Today, customers can choose from 58 officially TALQ-certified Central Management Software (CMS) and Gateway solutions from 39 different companies.

    The Benefits of TALQ Certification
    when investing in new smart city applications, selecting a solution with TALQ Certification provides cities and utilities with numerous benefits. Each TALQ-certified product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure reliability and quality. The standardized testing process confirms interoperability and simplifies integration with other TALQ-certified products. Regular Plugfests, which simulate real-world environments, allow both certified products and those seeking certification to be tested together, ensuring the practical applicability and robustness of the protocol standard.

    A unique feature of the TALQ certification process is that all products are tested using a single, standardized tool available exclusively to members, ensuring consistency and reliability throughout the certification. Furthermore, the TALQ Specification incorporates industry best practices, optimizing product implementation and enhancing the overall solution. By choosing TALQ-certified products, cities can ensure they are adopting state-of-the-art technologies, making their smart city investments future-proof.
    "We are proud to witness the global reach of TALQ Certification, which reflects the strong commitment of our members to continuously enhance their individual smart city solutions. It also demonstrates a clear dedication to upholding industry standards," reports Simon Dunkley, Secretary General of the TALQ Consortium. "TALQ Certification enables seamless integration of diverse systems and ensures future scalability. By focusing on best practices, we ensure that TALQ-certified products are prepared to meet the evolving demands of smart cities worldwide."

    The TALQ Consortium collaborates closely with smart city experts to continuously adopt, enhance, and evolve the protocol to meet emerging market needs. The latest version of the TALQ Smart City Protocol is always available for public download through the GitHub repository.

    Entire press release (English) as pdf

    NOTA DE PRENSA (Español)

    La certificación TALQ es reconocida mundialmente como estándar para aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes

    El Consorcio TALQ cuenta con 66 miembros de 24 países

    El TALQ Consortium, creador del Smart City Protocol, un estándar de interfaz global para aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes, sigue garantizando beneficios para las ciudades de todo el mundo mediante un riguroso proceso de certificación. Cada vez más ciudades y empresas de servicios públicos exigen la Certificación TALQ en sus licitaciones públicas para garantizar la interoperabilidad entre sistemas de diferentes proveedores. Actualmente, hay disponibles 58 productos con certificación TALQ de 39 fabricantes. El crecimiento constante del consorcio —que ahora cuenta con 66 empresas miembros de 24 países— junto con la evolución continua del protocolo, demuestran su compromiso con el avance de las soluciones para ciudades inteligentes y la promoción de estándares globales.

    Nota de prensa Español (pdf)


    La certification du Consortium TALQ : une norme mondialement reconnue pour les applications de villes intelligentes

    Le Consortium TALQ compte 66 membres issus de 24 pays

    Le Consortium TALQ, qui a développé le Protocole Smart City, norme d’interface internationale pour les applications de villes intelligentes, continue d’offrir des avantages aux villes du monde entier à travers un processus de certification rigoureux. De plus en plus de villes et services publics exigent désormais la certification du Consortium TALQ dans leurs appels d’offres afin de garantir l’interopérabilité entre les systèmes de différents fournisseurs. 58 produits certifiés TALQ sont actuellement disponibles auprès de 39 fabricants. À travers sa croissance continue et l’évolution constante du protocole, le consortium, qui compte désormais 66 entreprises membres issues de 24 pays, témoigne de son engagement à accélérer le progrès dans le domaine des solutions de villes intelligentes et à promouvoir des normes internationales.

    Communiquè de presse française (pdf)


    TALQ-Zertifizierung weltweit als Standard für Smart City-Anwendungen anerkannt

    Das TALQ Konsortium zählt 66 Mitglieder aus 24 Ländern

    Das TALQ Konsortium, das mit dem Smart City Protocol einen globalen Schnittstellenstandard für Smart City-Anwendungen entwickelt hat, stellt durch seinen strengen Zertifizierungsprozess die Vorteile des Standards für Städte weltweit sicher. Immer mehr Städte und Versorgungsunternehmen verlangen in ihren öffentlichen Ausschreibungen eine TALQ-Zertifizierung, um die Interoperabilität zwischen Systemen verschiedener Anbieter zu gewährleisten. Derzeit gibt es 58 offiziell TALQ-zertifizierte Produkte von 39 Herstellern. Das stetige Wachstum des Konsortiums, das inzwischen 66 Mitgliedsunternehmen aus 24 Ländern umfasst, und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Protokolls selbst, unterstreichen das Engagement des Konsortiums für die Weiterentwicklung von Smart-City-Lösungen und die Förderung globaler Standards.

    Vollständige Pressemeldung auf Deutsch (pdf)

    보도 자료

    스마트 시티 애플리케이션 표준으로 전 세계적으로 인정받는 TALQ 인증

    TALQ 컨소시엄은 24개국 66명의 회원으로 구성되어 있습니다

    스마트 시티 애플리케이션용 글로벌 인터페이스 표준, 스마트 시티 프로토콜을 개발한 TALQ 컨소시엄은 엄격한 인증 절차를 통해 전 세계 도시가 지속적으로 혜택을 받을 수 있도록 합니다. 다양한 공급업체의 시스템 간 상호 운용성 보장을 위해 공개 입찰에서 TALQ 인증을 요구하는 도시와 공공시설의 수가 늘어나고 있습니다. 현재 39개 제조업체의 58개 TALQ 인증 제품을 구매할 수 있습니다. 현재 24개국 66개 회원사로 구성된 컨소시엄의 꾸준한 성장과 프로토콜의 지속적인 발전은 스마트 시티 솔루션을 발전시키고 글로벌 표준을 촉진하려는 노력을 잘 보여주고 있습니다

    보도 자료 (pdf)





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