TALQ Consortium members meet in Christmas Colored Paris
Published on 2012-12-03
At the end of November, the TALQ Consortium members met in Paris, hosted by Streetlight.Vision. The beautiful Christmas illuminations on the Boulevard des Champs Elysees might have inspired the standardization discussions, as a lot of progress was made.
The Technical Work Group continued work on the specification of the interface between Central Management System and Outdoor Lighting Network. Issues discussed include e.g. calenders, time functions, function attributes etc. It has become clear that in the interest of specification quality some more meetings will be required than originally planned. However, the Technical Work Group aims to keep the delay as short as possible, possibly by reducing the number of functions without reduction of core functionality required for interoperability.
The Promotion Work Group met as well, discussing among other issues the response to the first TALQ webinar. You can still see the consortium introduction presentation on the TALQ website under ‘about-us’. It has also been decided to open up the TALQ Linked In group to participation by outsiders, to enable discussions with representatives from municipalities, governmental agencies, lighting service providers etc. If you’re interested, please search for ‘TALQ’ in the Linked In groups. The logo design process is also progressing well.
During the Steering Committee meeting it was decided to start the Certification Work Group. Work on the specification is progressing well, so it was felt work should commence on a Certification policy, Compliance Test Specification and Test Tool. Members will be invited to participate in the new Work Group, which will cooperate closely with the Technical Work Group.
To keep up the pace for the specification development the next TALQ Consortium meeting is already December 11th to 13th in Great Chesterford, near Cambridge UK, hosted by Telensa.