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What is a TALQ Functional Test

The TALQ Certification procedure defines a comprehensive set of technical tests that every TALQ-certified product must pass, based on its declared features.

The TALQ Consortium has defined a set of functional test cases written in easy-to-understand business-relevant language that group the technical tests, allowing customers to better comprehend the features implemented by the certified product.

Starting with version 2.6.0 of the protocol, the TALQ-certified products’ Capability Lists published on the TALQ website include the complete list of functional test cases, highlighting those achieved by the product.


Cities and utilities should include in their tenders the list of functional tests required for their specific needs. The tables below provide the complete list of functional test cases.

List of functional test cases for Gateways

ID Name Description
CFG-1 Support light point control features The Gateway successfully connects to a CMS and transmits its capabilities for light point control features and services.
CFG-2 Support cabinet control lighting features The Gateway successfully connects to a CMS and transmits its capabilities for cabinet control lighting features and services.
CFG-3 Support sensor-based light point control features The Gateway successfully connects to a CMS and transmits its capabilities for sensor-based light point control features and services.
CFG-4 Discovery of the network of devices The Gateway transmits all its devices to the CMS together with their configuration and asset information.
CFG-5 Initialize light point electrical alarm thresholds The Gateway is able to receive the light point electrical alarm thresholds from the CMS, including Lamp Voltage Too High/Low, Lamp Current Too High/Low, Active Power Too High/Low and Power Factor Too Low
CFG-6 Initialize and change the cabinet control alarm thresholds The Gateway is able to receive the cabinet control electrical alarm thresholds from the CMS, including <to be defined>
CFG-7 Initialize and change the light point parameters The Gateway is able to receive the light point parameters from the CMS.
CFG-8 Initialize and change a group of luminaires The Gateway is able to handle a command from the CMS to set or change a group of light points to assign them a control program.
CGF-9 Change the sampling frequency for measurements The Gateway is able to change the sampling of measurements and properly reflected in the next data log sent to the CMS.
CFG-10 Change the reporting frequency for measurements The Gateway is able to change the reporting frequency (how often it sends data logs to the CSM) for measurements.
CFG-11 Update the firmware of the hardware devices The Gateway supports data package service and accepts a data package to update firmware on a physical device.



ID Name Description
MTG-1 Measure and report basic electrical values (Current/Voltage/Active Power/Power Factor) The Gateways sends "valid values" for electrical values including mains voltage, current, active power and power factor to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-2 Measure and report cumulating energy counter The Gateways sends "valid growing values" for energy counter to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-3 Report lamps' number of operating hours The Gateways sends "valid growing values" for lamp operating hours counter to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-4 Report lamps' number of switch-on counter The Gateways sends "valid growing values" for lamp switch-on counter to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-5 Report lamps' number of supply loss counter The Gateways sends "valid growing values" for supply loss count to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-6 Monitor the lamp level feedback when a manual override command is sent The Gateway receives a manual override command, sends it to the device and can report, using on-demand read as well as a data logger service, that the lamp level feedback is getting close to the command.
MTG-7 (deleted)
MTG-8 Report temperature The Gateways sends temperature values to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-9 Report presence detection The Gateways sends presence detection values to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-10 Report noise level The Gateways sends noise level values to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-11 Report light level The Gateways sends light level values to the CMS using one of the data logging service.
MTG-12 Report firmware updating process The Gateway is able to report the firmware update events.


ID Name Description
CTR-1 Manual control over a light point The Gateway properly receives and handles a manual override command sent by the CMS for one single light point.
CTR-2 Manual control over a group of light points The Gateway properly receives and handles a manual override command sent by the CMS for a group of light points
CTR-3 Manual control with a delay The Gateway properly receives and handles a manual override command that includes a delay, sent by the CMS for one single light point.
CTR-4 Manual control with a ramp The Gateway properly receives and handles a manual override command that includes a rampup, sent by the CMS for one single light point.
CTR-5 Automatic switch light on/off based on photocell value The Gateway can properly execute a control program that switches the light ON and OFF based on a local photocell value on a single light point.
CTR-6 Automatic change of light level when presence detected The Gateway can properly execute a control program that changes the light dimming level based on a local presence sensor on a single light point.
CTR-7 Automatic change of light level when noise detected The Gateway can properly execute a control program that changes the light dimming level based on a local noise sensor on a single light point.


ID Name Description
ALR-1 Report lighting alarms to the CMS The Gateway can produce lighting alarms and send them to the CMS using one of the data logger services.
ALR-2 Report electrical alarms to the CMS The Gateway can produce electrical alarms and send them to the CMS using one of the data logger services.
ALR-3 Report invalid program and calendar The Gateway can produce invalid calendar and control program alarms and send them to the CMS using one of the data logger services.
ALR-4 Report activity for sensor based lighting The Gateway can send an event in case of activity detected and send them to the CMS using one of the data logger services
ALR-5 Request the status of the alarm The Gateway can report the status of the alarms as a response to a request from the CMS


ID Name Description
PRG-1 Fix time switching + dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that switches and dims a light point at fix time all days in the year.
PRG-2 Astro-clock switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that switches a light point at sunrise/sunset +/- few minutes and dim it during an astro-clock active period, all days in the year.
PRG-3 Photocell switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that switches a light point when photocell indicates darkness and dim it during the photocell active period, all days in the year.
PRG-4 Photocell and astro-clock switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that switches a light point when photocell indicates darkness or at sunrise/sunset +:- few minutes (the earlier for switch ON/OFF) and dim it during the photocell active period, all days in the year.
PRG-5 Part night switching program The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that switches a light point OFF at fixed time in the middle of the night.
PRG-6 Support exceptional periods (e.g., Sept 10th to Oct 16th) The Gateway can receive and execute a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies from DAY 1 to DAY 2.
PRG-7 Support exceptional week days (e.g., every Saturday and Sunday) The Gateway can receive and execute a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies every Saturday night and Sunday night, every day in the year.
PRG-8 Support exceptional week days (e.g., every Saturday and Sunday) and exceptional periods (e.g., Sept 10th to Oct 16th) The Gateway can receive and execute a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year, another higher priority calendar that applies every Saturday night and Sunday night, every day in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies to every saturday between DAY 1 and DAY 2.
PRG-9 Support dynamic lighting program based on sensor detection The Gateway can receive and execute a control program that has rule based on presence sensor.


List of functional test cases for CMS


ID Name Description
CFG-1 Support light point control features The CMS properly handles the bootstrap process and creates the associated light point control functions and services.
CFG-2 Support cabinet control lighting features The CMS properly handles the bootstrap process and creates the associated cabinet control lighting functions and services.
CFG-3 Support sensor-based light point control features The CMS properly handles the bootstrap process and creates the associated sensor-based light point control functions and services.
CFG-4 Discovery of the network of devices The CMS receives and handle all the devices that are sent by the Gateway and properly handles their device classes, asset and other properties.
CFG-5 Initialize light point electrical alarm thresholds The CMS is able to set light point electrical alarm thresholds in the Gateway, including Lamp Voltage Too High/Low, Lamp Current Too High/Low, Active Power Too High/Low and Power Factor Too Low.
CFG-6 Initialize and change the cabinet control alarm thresholds The CMS is able to set cabinet control electrical alarm thresholds in the Gateway, including < to be defined >.
CFG-7 Initialize and change the light point parameters The CMS is able to set the light point parametes in the Gateway.
CFG-8 Initialize and change a group of luminaires The CMS is able to manage a group of light points and send it to the Gateway.
CFG-9 Change the sampling frequency for measurements The CMS can configure the sampling rate of values.
CFG-10 Change the reporting frequency for measurements The CMS can configure the reporting frequency of values.
CFG-11 Update the firmware of the hardware devices The CMS can send a data package to the Gateway to update the firmware on a physical device.


ID Name Description
MTG-1 Measure and report basic electrical values (Current / Voltage / Active Power / Power Factor) The CMS properly handles electrical values including mains voltage, current, active power and power factor sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-2 Measure and report cumulating energy counter The CMS properly handles energy counter sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-3 Report lamps' number of operating hours The CMS properly handles lamp operating hours sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-4 Report lamps' number of switch-on counter The CMS properly handles lamp switch-on sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-5 Report lamps' number of supply loss counter The CMS properly handles supply loss count sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-6 Monitor the lamp level feedback when a manual override command is sent The CMS properly sends a manual override command and can use On-Demand read to check that the lamp level feedback is getting close to the command after a configurable delay.
MTG-7 (deleted)
MTG-8 Report temperature The CMS properly handles temperature values sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-9 Report presence detection The CMS properly handles presence detection values sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-10 Report noise level The CMS properly handles noise level values sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-11 Report light level The CMS properly handles noise level values sent by the Gateway using one of the data logging service.
MTG-12 Report firmware updating process The CMS properly handles events sent by the Gateway during the firmware update process.


ID Name Description
CTR-1 Manual control over a light point The CMS can send a simple manual override command to one single light point.
CTR-2 Manual control over a group of light points The CMS can send a simple manual override command to a group of light points.
CTR-3 Manual control with a delay The CMS can send a manual override command to one single light point with a delay in the command execution.
CTR-4 Manual control with a ramp The CMS can send a manual override command to one single light point with a rampup in the command execution.
CTR-5 Automatic switch light on/off based on photocell value The CMS can send a control program that configures the Gateway to switch the light ON and OFF on a single light point.
CTR-6 Automatic change of light level when presence detected The CMS can send a control program that configures the Gateway to change the light dimming level depending on a local presence sensor on a single light point.
CTR-7 Automatic change of light level when noise detected The CMS can send a control program that configures the Gateway to change the light dimming level depending on a local noise sensor on a single light point.


ID Name Description
ALR-1 Report lighting alarms to the CMS The CMS can handle lighting alarms sent by a Gateway using one of the data logger services.
ALR-2 Report electrical alarms to the CMS The CMS can handle electrical alarms sent by a Gateway using one of the data logger services.
ALR-3 Report invalid program and calendar The CMS can handle invalid calendar and control program alarms sent by a Gateway using one of the data logger services.
ALR-4 Report activity for sensor based lighting The CMS can handle activity detection events sent by a Gateway using one of the data logger services.
ALR-5 Request the status of the alarm The CMS can ask the Gateway for the status of the alarm and handdle the response.


ID Name Description
PRG-1 Fix time switching + dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that switches and dims a light point at fix time all days in the year.
PRG-2 Astro-clock switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that switches a light point at sunrise/sunset +/- few minutes and dim it during an astro-clock active period, all days in the year.
PRG-3 Photocell switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that switches a light point when photocell indicates darkness and dim it during the photocell active period, all days in the year.
PRG-4 Photocell and astro-clock switching + fix time dimming control program that applies to all days in the year The Gateway can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that switches a light point when photocell indicates darkness or at sunrise/sunset +:- few minutes (the earlier for switch ON/OFF) and dim it during the photocell active period, all days in the year.
PRG-5 Part night switching program The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that switches a light point OFF at fixed time in the middle of the night..
PRG-6 Support exceptional periods (e.g., Sept 10th to Oct 16th) The CMS can generate and send a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies from DAY 1 to DAY 2.
PRG-7 Support exceptional week days (e.g., every Saturday and Sunday) The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies every Saturday night and Sunday night, every day in the year.
PRG-8 Support exceptional week days (e.g., every Saturday and Sunday) and exceptional periods (e.g., Sept 10th to Oct 16th) The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a calendar that has a default rule for all days in the year, another higher priority calendar that applies every Saturday night and Sunday night, every day in the year and another higher priority calendar that applies to every Saturday between DAY 1 and DAY 2.
PRG-9 Support dynamic lighting program based on sensor detection The CMS can generate and send to a Gateway a control program that has rule based on presence sensor.