Get in touch with the Smart City Protocol and TALQ
TALQ Roundtable: Smart Tender = Smart Lighting

Date: Monday 4 November 2024 - Monday 4 November 2024. Location: Barcelona, Spain
The TALQ Tender Template
How can city tenders
- assure a future-proof outdoor lighting system?
- increase energy savings through system features?
- avoid vendor lock-in?
Every November, SmartCityExpo in Barcelona becomes a prime venue for experts to discuss challenges in smart city development. Seize this chance with TALQ to explore interoperability's vast opportunities and tackle any roadblocks.
This roundtable, scheduled a day before the expo, is an ideal platform to discuss upcoming projects and address technical questions.
Participation is free of charge.
14:00 h Doors open
14:30 h Welcome & Introductions
Simon Dunkley, Secretary General TALQ Consortium
14:45 h Premiere of the TALQ Tender Template – Edition 4
Christophe Orceau, Chairman of the TALQ Steering Committee
15:30 – 16:30 h Open Discussion
All participants
REGISTER for the TALQ Roundtable 2024
Event Venue:
Hotel Porta Fira
Plaza Europa
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Barcelona | España
(located directy in front of the SCEWC fairgrounds)