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Member in Focus: Lotec

Lotec is a technology company based in Ankara, Türkiye. Lotec focuses on smart cities, smart building, lighting and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Since its foundation in 2018, the company has developed and now provides both hardware and software products and services with around 40 employees.

Ediz, what is your role in Lotec?

Ediz ÇELİK, Managing Director

As Managing Director I am responsible for the overall activity of Lotec Teknoloji. Therefore, I touch almost all functions in the company including Engineering, Project Management, Sales and Marketing.

But my main role is to define the direction of the company.




What is the service offer of your company?

Lotec offers products and services in many sectors such as smart cities, smart buildings, lighting control and IoT.

Our smart streetlighting control solution, SmartSky, is a LoRaWAN-based system that works in any harsh environment and provides control and monitoring features as well as energy saving. We provide a complete solution including Lighting Control Unit (LCU), Area Control Unit (ACU) and Central Management System (CMS) that can be either cloud-based or on premise.

We also deliver an IoT platform to our customers that collects various types of sensor data from urban or rural areas, analyzes and presents them through web and mobile applications.

We also provide indoor smart building solutions including Room Controller, DALI-2 Application Controller, and DALI-2 enabled Emergency Lighting System.

Why did your organization join TALQ?

For smart cities, there are many technologies and products in the market. That’s a big challenge for the cities' decision makers. TALQ provides a standard protocol allowing interoperability of different products.

We believe that TALQ fulfils a very important function. In the near future, all modern cities will use products which incorporate the TALQ standard. Therefore, we wanted to be a part of TALQ.

What are the biggest challenges for Smart Cities in the next 5 years?

Every city has its own unique problems as well as problems common to other cities. In most cases, the main targets of smart city applications are lowering costs, easy maintenance, comfort of the citizens, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

We find that the biggest challenges for the implementation of these smart city applications are: initial investment costs; selection from proprietary technologies and products, together with the integration of the various systems.

TALQ provides interoperability between systems that enables smart city functionality, instead of having multiple proprietary systems and interfaces. Besides, it helps to implement smart city applicationsin a step by step way and so the initial investment costs can be distributed over time.

What do you personally like within TALQ?

TALQ member companies are smart city and technology experts. There is a joint effort of these experts to evolve the TALQ Standard. I really like this professional and collaborative environment.

Your favourite TALQ function or profile?

TALQ provides a flexible smart city device data model and functions which support many smart city use cases. I like its modularity and extendable nature. My favourite TALQ Profile is lighting.

Your favourite TALQ moment?

As soon as we joined the TALQ Consortium, TALQ welcomed us on its LinkedIn Page with a warm message. This was a very nice moment.

Also, when we attended the face-to-face meeting in Vienna and met with the TALQ core team members and several people from other member companies for the first time, we discovered a very friendly environment.