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Regular TALQ members

Regular Members can attend any TALQ Workgroup meeting. They contribute to the development and the marketing of the TALQ Smart City Protocol and have voting rights in each Workgroup, including in the Steering Committee. Regular Members can certify an unlimited number of products free of charge.
Read more about all benefits of 'Regular Membership'.

 BeeZeeLinx logo  BrightCity, S.A. logo  FLASHNET logo  Itron, Inc. logo  Lacroix City logo  Light Environment Control, S.L. logo  Luminext B.V. logo  ORing Industrial Networking Corp. logo  Schréder S.A. logo  Shanghai Sansi Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd logo  Signify Netherlands B.V. logo  Ubicquia, Inc. logo 

Associate TALQ Members

Associate Members can attend Requirements Workgoup and Promotion Workgroup Meetings. In doing so they can support the development and promotion of the Smart City Protocol. Associate Members can access the General Assembly but without voting rights.
Read more about all benefits of 'Associate Membership'.

 Aldridge Traffic Systems Pty Ltd logo  Algorab Srl logo  Amplex Denmark ApS logo  BEGA Gantenbrink-Leuchten KG logo  BH Technologies logo  Bouygues Energies et Services logo  Bright Science - Estudos de Engenharia logo  C2 SmartLight Ltd logo  CAOS Computersoftware GmbH logo  Capelon AB logo  CGI Nederland B.V. logo  Citégestion logo  Citeos Solutions Digitales logo  CityLone logo  COMETA logo Corthom Systems AB DATEK Light Control AS logo  E-Lite Semiconductor Co., Ltd logo  Elekon Energy Systems logo esave AG Exati Tecnologia logo  GDS Lighting S.r.l. logo  Gestart S.r.l. logo Globaltronic - Electronica e Telecomunicacoes, S.A. Hispaled Hispanica del led S.L. logo Hynetic Electronics PVT LTD iCiti GmbH logo  IoT labs AS logo  iSense Global PTE. LTD. logo  KEYIA logo  Kuzzle logo  LED Roadway Lighting Ltd. logo  Leotek Electronics USA LLC logo  LOTEC Teknoloji logo  Lucy Zodion Limited logo LUG S.A Lumisens Sp. z o. o. logo  LuxSave AS logo  MAUGLO SIA logo  MOONS’ Electric (Taicang) Co., Ltd. logo  Nanjing LiCON IoT Technology Co., Ltd logo  Nexiode logo  NOVACCESS logo  Paradox Engineering S.A. logo  PYRESCOM logo  Requea SAS logo  Revetec srl logo  SC Urbioled SRL logo  Seneco A/S logo Shanghai Long-Join Intelligent Technology Inc. Shanghai Shuncom AIOT Co Ltd logo  ST Engineering Urban Solutions Ltd. logo  Sustainder BV logo SynergridSynox Telchina Smart Industry Group Co., Ltd. logo  Teliko SIA logo TerraGo Technologies, Inc. TVILIGHT Projects B.V. logo  UMPI Srl logo  Zhejiang Fonda Technology Co., Ltd logo  Zumtobel Group logo 

Alphabetical list of TALQ members

74 companies

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