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How to join TALQ


1. Download and read the TALQ Charter and Membership Agreement and decide whether your company agrees with the terms of this Agreement. 

>> Charter and Membership Agreement

2.  To become a TALQ Regular or Associate Member, your company has to fill in the complete "Annex A or B - Regular and Associate Member Agreement" and have it signed by someone authorized to sign on behalf of your company.

The Agreements can be downloaded here:

Regular Member Agreement
Associate Member Agreement

3. Please complete the form, sign and send via email or if you require an original countersigned agreement, please mail 2 signed original agreements to the address below. We will return a countersigned agreement to you.

TALQ Consortium c/o IEEE-ISTO
ATTN: Membership
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
Email: admin@talq-consortium.org

4. When the application is received and checked for completeness and correctness, your company will receive an invoice for your membership dues. For membership dues information, please refer to the TALQ Financial Policy. Once payment is received, you are accepted as a new member. The Secretary-General will:

► Countersign the Membership Agreement on behalf of the current Members

► Inform IEEE-ISTO (the organization that provides member administration).

5. ISTO will:

► Send the welcome email with the countersigned Agreement to you

►  Request further information, such as your company logo

► Create user accounts for access to the Member Area of the TALQ website. Each individual requires a separate user account. You will need to provide ISTO with a list of participants from your company for participation in Working Groups.